Neocision LED Grow Lights Blog
Neocision Grow Lights Blog
We strive to follow the science of lighting and cultivation. Our blog articles touch on many areas including environment, licensing and the cannabis plant itself. For more information on our design services, visit us at Cultivation Design Build!
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Maximizing Cannabis Yields with Vertical Cultivation
As the cannabis industry evolves, growers are constantly seeking innovative ways to increase yield and efficiency. Vertical...
Minnesota Microbusiness and Mezzobusiness Licensing
Introduction Minnesota's evolving cannabis industry offers various licensing options for entrepreneurs aiming to establish...
Designing a Cannabis Facility for LED Lighting
Introduction As the cannabis industry evolves, LED lighting has become the preferred choice for cultivation facilities....
Unlocking Savings: How Cannabis Cultivators Can Reduce Utility Bills with Refunds & Rebates
Introduction Cannabis cultivation is an energy-intensive industry, with operators facing high utility bills due to...
How Craft Growers Can Improve Their Chances of Attracting the Right Investors: A Checklist to Measure Your Readiness
Raising capital for any business is never easy. Now, try raising capital for a highly regulated business that federal law...
Maximize Yield for Illinois Craft Growers
What Is An Illinois Craft Grower Recently Illinois awarded an initial 40 craft grow licenses for adult-use cannabis. An...
Facility Design For Cannabis
Initial Facility Design For Cannabis Is Critical When creating initial facility design for cannabis, optimization of the...
Early-Stage Indoor Grow Facility Design
Do you feel like the cannabis grow facility design consultants you are using or engaging with may be pushing a...
Proper Cannabis Grow Room Temperatures with LED Grow Lights
Every detail counts when you plan and design your cultivation facility. Balancing the nine cardinal parameters for...