Duo Max 1030 LED Grow Light

Neocision Duo Max 1030 LED greenhouse grow light fixtures features excellent heat dissipation with a slim design, making them ideal horticultural top lights for greenhouse and indoor grow facilities. The Duo Max delivers a minimum 3193 PPF (which can be increased up to 3600 PPF based on selected spectrum). This is more than 1.75 times the output of top quality 1000W double-ended HID greenhouse fixtures. The Duo Max also provides better light distribution and uniformity than single-bar LED greenhouse fixtures with less shade per watt. Learn About Our Design Services


  • Tested minimum efficacy of 3.10 Micromoles / J
  • Custom Spectra up to 3600 PPF Available
  • RJ Connectors Included for 0-10V Plug and Play Control Systems
  • Push & Lock Plugs at both AC and DC Side for Fast and Easy Installation
  • 7 Year Limited Warranty 

Duo Max 1030 LED Grow Light : Click To View Documents



Duo Max 1030 LED Grow Light


In the past few years, many indoor warehouse grow facilities have opted to use greenhouse single luminaires instead of the more common 6- or 8-bar light. While this is cost effective as single luminaires are less expensive to manufacture, use of greenhouse single luminaires in an indoor warehouse is less than ideal for numerous reasons.

  • Single bar luminaires need to be installed at higher levels above the plant canopy to expand their limited coverage. This limited coverage is due to the beam angle of a typically used four-inch-wide printed circuit board. Bar lights use 6 to 8 circuit boards that spread the diodes apart and can be closer to the plant canopy with less heat needed to be dissipated and the light intensity spreads more evenly for uniform coverage of the canopy.
  • Because a single greenhouse luminaire can cause a lot of issues with the plants if they are too close to the bottom of the fixture, the recommended height of this type of fixture is 36' above the canopy. Every 12' increase above canopy causes a corresponding decrease in average PPFD of approximately 8%. The issues for plants being too close to the fixture include both heat and light stress.
  • Uniformity also suffers with single luminaires as more light is directed downward in a tighter beam. Typical 6- to 8-bar light fixtures cast a much wider beam angle, thus increasing uniformity and reducing light intensity directly below, so plants can be closer to each bar without issues.
  • The single luminaires manufacturer touts that the tighter beam decreases the need to raise or lower the fixtures, as they can be installed at a fixed height. In reality, this is more dependent on the light output. A high efficiency bar light like the Neocision Elite 750 with 2.88 PPE and 2146 PPF can be installed at a set height above your canopy to create more uniformity and increased PPFD with fewer fixtures when compared to greenhouse single luminaires that are typically producing about 1700 PPF depending on the manufacturer.
  • To offset the issues with single luminaires and accompanying decreased yields, many lighting manufacturers will increase the number of greenhouse single luminaires used by 25% or more. This increased light count increases installation costs as well as the total electricity used for lighting, which in turn increases HVAC tonnage needed for cooling. In today's competitive environment, managing costs of production will be key to your long-term success.
  • Typically, installation of 6- or 8-bar lights is done to cover 16 square feet per fixture. This coverage can be increased to 18 to 20 square feet per fixture without too much loss of PPFD depending on wattage, PPE and total PPF of the bar fixture. We strongly recommend using the Neocision Elite 750W for applications where coverage of more than 16 square feet is required due to your floor plan and bench lay-outs.
  • Greenhouse single luminaires have a key design component to reduce shade in greenhouses which inherently puts these fixtures at a disadvantage for cultivation of quality crops in an indoor warehouse.

The Neocision Duo Max 1030 LED grow light has two high powered, side by side, shorter luminaires and provides the needed shade reduction design in greenhouse. The Neocision Duo Max 1030 can also be used efficiently in indoor warehouse applications without the increase in wattage and electrical connections that a single luminaire creates by using two luminaires connected to a single power source. Our Neocision Duo Max 1030 must still be hung 36' above plants so there is some light loss, however, that is more than offset by a PPE of 3.1 and total PPF per fixture of 3193. Depending on your facility, either greenhouse or indoor, the Neocision Duo Max 1030 can reduce the total number of fixtures needed for uniform coverage by 25% and more with full spectrum coverage that includes having 20% of the total spectrum in the blue range as recommended by Bruce Bugee of Utah State University.

LED Grow Light Design

As part of our Neocision LED grow light offering, we offer free lighting layouts for any grow area with more than 500 square feet of plant canopy. Lighting lay-outs are created using ElumTools, a software product built by Lighting Analysts that has a specific mode for horticulture, and is fully integrated with Autodesk Revit for architectural floor plans.

ElumTools supports a separate and specific mode for horticultural lighting calculations. When the software is set in Horticulture Mode, luminaires and fixtures can be assigned output in terms of PPF (Photosynthetic Photon Flux in µmol/s, typically provided by the luminaire manufacturer), or by PPF Factor (µmol/s/kilolumen) which can be computed from the spectral power distribution of the light source. All point-by-point calculations will then be expressed in terms of PPFD (Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density, µmol/(s.m2)), which measures the amount of PAR light reaching the plants at the top of the canopy.

All lighting layouts, once fixtures are ordered, can then be provided in CAD to your electrician and / or electrical engineer to reduce costly redundant work.

3D CAD Layouts

LED Grow Light Installation

Vertical Racks with Power Harnesses